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Reform work focused on “harm reduction” is a more realistic approach, she said. “They need to undergo a transformation so radical they would be unrecognizable at the end. But she knows the latter is unlikely in the SBC. She argues that in her book, “#ChurchToo: How Purity Culture Upholds Abuse and How to Find Healing.”Īllison told The Associated Press that addressing abuse requires both a change in church policy and theology. On May 26 the Springfield (Missouri) News-Leader reported on a spate of sex abuse cases involving workers at Kanakuk Kamps, a large evangelical camp ministry.Įmily Joy Allison, whose abuse story launched the #ChurchToo movement, said the sexual ethic preached in many conservative churches - and the shame and silence it breeds - are part of the problem. Prosecutors said Duggar had a “deep-seated, pervasive and violent sexual interest in children.” Duggar was a former lobbyist for a conservative Christian organization and appeared on TLC’s since-canceled “19 Kids and Counting,” featuring a homeschooling family that stressed chastity and traditional courtship. On May 25 reality TV personality Josh Duggar was sentenced in Arkansas to more than 12 years in prison for receiving child pornography.

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